Address Mode - Absolute

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Works on the specified byte.

Instructions that use this address mode:

Op Inst Description
$0C TSB Test and Set Memory Bits with Accumulator
$0D ORA Bitwise OR with Accumulator
$0E ASL Arithmetic Shift Left
$1C TRB Test and Reset Memory Bits with Accumulator
$20 JSR Jump to Subroutine
$2C BIT Test Bits
$2D AND Bitwise AND with Accumulator
$2E ROL Rotate Left
$4C JMP Jump
$4D EOR Bitwise Exclusive OR
$4E LSR Logical Shift Right
$6D ADC Add with Carry
$6E ROR Rotate Right
$8C STY Store Y Register
$8D STA Store Accumulator
$8E STX Store X Register
$9C STZ Store Zero to Memory
$AD LDA Load Accumulator
$AE LDX Load X Register
$CC CPY Compare with Y Register
$CD CMP Compare with Accumulator
$CE DEC Decrement Memory
$EC CPX Compare with X Register
$ED SBC Subtract with Carry
$EE INC Increment Memory

Return to the Address Modes table or the OpCodes Table.