Address Mode - Implied

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Works on specific parts of the CPU without the need for any parameters.

Instructions that use this address mode:

Op Inst Description
$00 BRK Break
$08 PHP Push Processor Status to Stack
$18 CLC Clear Carry
$28 PLP Pull Processor Status from Stack
$38 SEC Set Carry
$40 RTI Return from Interrupt
$48 PHA Push Accumulator to Stack
$58 CLI Clear Interrupt
$5A PHY Push Y Register to Stack
$60 RTS Return from Subroutine
$68 PLA Pull Stack to Accumulator
$78 SEI Set Interrupt
$7A PLY Pull Register Y from Stack
$88 DEY Decrement Y Register
$8A TXA Transfer X Register to Accumulator
$98 TYA Transfer Y Register to Accumulator
$9A TXS Transfer X Register to Stack Pointer
$A8 TAY Transfer Accumulator to Y Register
$AA TAX Transfer Accumulator to X Register
$B8 CLV Clear Overflow
$BA TSX Transfer Stack Pointer to X Register
$C8 INY Increment Y Register
$CA DEX Decrement X Register
$CB WAI Wait for Interrupt
$D8 CLD Clear Decimal
$DA PHX Push X Register to Stack
$DB STP Stop until CPU Reset
$E8 INX Increment X Register
$EA NOP No Operation
$F8 SED Set Decimal
$FA PLX Pull X Register from Stack

Return to the Address Modes table or the OpCodes Table.