Address Mode - Zero Page Absolute

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Zero Page Absolute

Works on the specified byte in the zero page.

Instructions that use this address mode:

Op Inst Description
$04 TRB Test and Reset Memory Bits with Accumulator
$05 ORA Bitwise OR with Accumulator
$06 ASL Arithmetic Shift Left
$07 RMB0 Reset Memory Bit 0
$14 TRB Test and Reset Memory Bits with Accumulator
$17 RMB1 Reset Memory Bit 1
$24 BIT Test Bits
$25 AND Bitwise AND with Accumulator
$26 ROL Rotate Left
$27 RMB2 Reset Memory Bit 2
$37 RMB3 Reset Memory Bit 3
$45 EOR Bitwise Exclusive OR
$46 LSR Logical Shift Right
$47 RMB4 Reset Memory Bit 4
$57 RMB5 Reset Memory Bit 5
$64 STZ Store Zero to Memory
$65 ADC Add with Carry
$66 ROR Rotate Right
$67 RMB6 Reset Memory Bit 6
$77 RMB7 Reset Memory Bit 7
$84 STY Store Y Register
$85 STA Store Accumulator
$86 STX Store X Register
$87 SMB0 Set Memory Bit 0
$97 SMB1 Set Memory Bit 1
$A4 LDY Load Y Register
$A5 LDA Load Accumulator
$A6 LDX Load X Register
$A7 SMB2 Set Memory Bit 2
$B7 SMB3 Set Memory Bit 3
$C4 CPY Compare with Y Register
$C5 CMP Compare with Accumulator
$C6 DEC Decrement Memory
$C7 SMB4 Set Memory Bit 4
$D7 SMB5 Set Memory Bit 5
$E4 CPX Compare with X Register
$E5 SBC Subtract with Carry
$E6 INC Increment Memory
$E7 SMB6 Set Memory Bit 6
$F7 SMB7 Set Memory Bit 7

Return to the Address Modes table or the OpCodes Table.