Chip - 65C02 CPU

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This is the main processor in NerdConsole. It is operated at 6.00 MHz. Please note that other 6502 based CPUs are not supported in NerdConsole. Head over to the 65C02 CPU OpCodes or 65C02 CPU Address Modes for more details.

~VP (Vector Pull) 1 40 ~RES (Reset)
RDY (Ready) 2 39 PHI2O (Phase 2 Clock Out)
PHI1O (Phase 1 Clock Out) 3 38 ~SO (Set Overflow)
~IRQ (Interrupt Request) 4 37 Phase 2 Clock In
~ML (Memory Lock) 5 36 BE (Bus Enable)
~NMI (Non-Maskable Interrupt) 6 35 NC
SYNC 7 34 R~W (Read/~Write)
VCC 8 33 D0
A0 9 32 D1
A1 10 31 D2
A2 11 30 D3
A3 12 29 D4
A4 13 28 D5
A5 14 27 D6
A6 15 26 D7
A7 16 25 A15
A8 17 24 A14
A9 18 23 A13
A10 19 22 A12
A11 20 21 GND

This is one of the Integrated Circuit Chips in NerdConsole.