Chip - AT28C64 8KB ROM

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This 8KB ROM chip is so small (storage-wise) that it represents only 1/2 of one bank. The use of this chip in a cartridge is generally expected to be for coding challenges that try to do as much as possible with as little code as possible.

NC 1 28 VCC
A12 2 27 ~WE
A7 3 26 NC
A6 4 25 A8
A5 5 24 A9
A4 6 23 A11
A3 7 22 ~OE
A2 8 21 A10
A1 9 20 ~CE
A0 10 19 D7
D0 11 18 D6
D1 12 17 D5
D2 13 16 D4
GND 14 15 D3

This is one of the Integrated Circuit Chips in NerdConsole.