Register - Active Features

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The active features register controls which parts of the PPU program are enabled.

Active Features

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
$02F8 D GBG SD0 SD1 BG0 BG1 BG2 BG3
$02FA SX0 SY0 SX1 SY1 SX2 SY2 SX3 SY3


  • D - Debug Output
    • 0 = Disable Debug Display
    • 1 = Enable Debug Display (FPS, Timings, Memory, etc.)
  • GBG - Global Background Color
    • 0 = Disable Global Background, always uses black.
    • 1 = Enable Global Background
  • SD0 - Normal Sprites (when Sprite Depth flag is 0)
    • 0 = Disable Normal Sprites
    • 1 = Enable Normal Sprites
  • SD1 - Background Sprites (when Sprite Depth flag is 1)
    • 0 = Disable Background Sprites
    • 1 = Enable Background Sprites
  • BG0 - Main Background
    • 0 = Disable Background, not rendered.
    • 1 = Enable Background
  • BG1 - Background 2
    • 0 = Disable Background, not rendered.
    • 1 = Enable Background
  • BG2 - Background 3
    • 0 = Disable Background, not rendered.
    • 1 = Enable Background
  • BG3 - Background 4
    • 0 = Disable Background, not rendered.
    • 1 = Enable Background
  • BCC - Background Color Cycling
    • 0 = Disable Background Color Cycling, ignores background parts of color cycle registers.
    • 1 = Enable Background Color Cycling
  • SCC - Sprite Color Cycling
    • 0 = Disable Sprite Color Cycling, ignores sprite parts of color cycle registers.
    • 1 = Enable Sprite Color Cycling
  • BTC - Background Tileset Cycling
    • 0 = Disable Background Tileset Cycling, ignores background cycle range and speed registers.
    • 1 = Enable Background Tileset Cycling
  • STC - Sprite Tileset Cycling
    • 0 = Disable Sprite Tileset Cycling, ignores sprite cycle range and speed registers.
    • 1 = Enable Sprite Tileset Cycling
  • BTS - Background Tileset Select
    • 0 = Disable Background Tileset Select always uses 0 for the main background.
    • 1 = Enable Background Tileset Select.
  • STS - Sprite Tileset Select
    • 0 = Disable Sprite Tileset Select, ignores tileset select registers, always uses set 0.
    • 1 = Enable Sprite Tileset Select.
  • FR - Fixed Regions (Main Background)
    • 0 = Disable Fixed Regions for the Main Background, fixed region name table is ignored.
    • 1 = Enable Fixed Regions for the Main Background
  • SC - Special Commands
    • 0 = Disable Special Commands
    • 1 = Enable Special Commands
  • SX0 - Scrolling X-Axis
    • 0 = Disable Horizontal Scrolling on the Main Background, always scroll position 0.
    • 1 = Enable Scrolling on the Main Background X-Axis
  • SY0 - Scrolling Y-Axis
    • 0 = Disable Vertical Scrolling on the Main Background, always scroll position 0.
    • 1 = Enable Scrolling on the Main Background Y-Axis
  • SX1 - Scrolling X-Axis
    • 0 = Disable Horizontal Scrolling on Extra Background 1, always scroll position 0.
    • 1 = Enable Scrolling on Extra Background 1 X-Axis
  • SY1 - Scrolling Y-Axis
    • 0 = Disable Vertical Scrolling on Extra Background 1, always scroll position 0.
    • 1 = Enable Scrolling on Extra Background 1 Y-Axis
  • SX2 - Scrolling X-Axis
    • 0 = Disable Horizontal Scrolling on Extra Background 2, always scroll position 0.
    • 1 = Enable Scrolling on Extra Background 2 X-Axis
  • SY2 - Scrolling Y-Axis
    • 0 = Disable Vertical Scrolling on Extra Background 2, always scroll position 0.
    • 1 = Enable Scrolling on Extra Background 2 Y-Axis
  • SX3 - Scrolling X-Axis
    • 0 = Disable Horizontal Scrolling on Extra Background 3, always scroll position 0.
    • 1 = Enable Scrolling on Extra Background 3 X-Axis
  • SY3 - Scrolling Y-Axis
    • 0 = Disable Vertical Scrolling on Extra Background 3, always scroll position 0.
    • 1 = Enable Scrolling on Extra Background 3 Y-Axis

This register is a part of the Control Page.