Register - Input

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The input system in NerdConsole is capable of handling up to 8 controllers. The first 2 will always be available as the controller ports are built into the system. Additional controllers are possible using extension boards that provide the extra ports. There are 2 versions of the extra controller breakout boards available. One uses 6 wires to provide controllers 3 and 4, and the other uses 10 wires to provide controllers 3 through 8. There are screw terminals on the mainboard that provide the signals needed for these optional boards.

All controllers are latched and clocked at the same time and the data from all connected controllers is read at the same time. How many data bits your game actually processes is up to you but they will all be available at once.

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
$0200 - - - - - - C L
$0201 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1


  • C - Clock (advances the shift register to the next button)
  • L - Latch (causes the controller shift register to store the parallel inputs)
  • 1-8 - The input received from controller port 1-8.

This register is a part of the Control Page.