Specification Comparison

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NES Comparison

This section is a feature by feature comparison with the NES. This is just for interesting context and for a friendly comparison with the system that inspired the creation of NerdConsole so many years later. This is not intended to be a competition with a system from over 35 years ago because, well, that would be silly.

This comparison is with the USA (NTSC) version of the Nintendo Entertainment System. The specs below for both systems are for the "base" system without using cartridges with special enhancement chips or other hardware expansions to extend the system's capabilities.

Specification NES NerdConsole
CPU Chip 6502 (RP2A03) 6502 (65C02)
CPU Clock 1.789773 Mhz 6.00 Mhz
Main RAM Amount 2 KB 528 KB
PPU Chip NES PPU (RP2C02) Raspberry Pi (3A+)
PPU Clock 5.369318 Mhz 1.20 Ghz
Pixel Clock 21.477272 Mhz n/a
Pixel Output Composite (NTSC) HDMI
Pixel Real Resolution α 256x256 1920x1080
Pixel Scale Factor α 1x1 4x4
Screen Resolution 256x240 256x256
Screen Refresh Rate 60 hz 60 hz
Screen Size 32x30 tiles 32x32 tiles
Main Name Table Area 2x1 or 1x2 screens 2x2 screens
Main Name Table Tiles 64x30 or 32x60 tiles 64x64 tiles
Fixed Name Table Area n/a 1 screen
Fixed Name Table Tiles n/a 32x32 tiles
Attribute Table Size 16x15 64x64
Palette Colors Available β 52 16,777,216
Color Type β Fixed Palette 24-bit RGB888
Max Colors on Screen β 24 496
Per Sub-Palette Colors β 4 16
Background Sub-Palettes β 4 16
Sprite Sub-Palettes β 4 16
Total Sub-Palettes β 8 32
Total Active Palette Colors 32 512
Background Max Tile Colors β 4 16
Sprite Max Tile Colors β 3 15
Background Tile Table Size β 256 256
Sprite Tile Table Size β 256 256
Background Tile Tables 1 4
Sprite Tile Tables 1 4
Tile Resolution 8x8 or 8x16 pixels 8x8 pixels
Tile Bit Depth (Layers) β 2 4
Tile Bytes β 16 32
Sprite Size 8x8 or 8x16 pixels 8x8 pixels
Max Sprites 64 or 32 256
Max Sprites per Scanline 8 256
Background Scrolling 1 axis (Horz or Vert) 2 axis (Horz and/or Vert)
Background Transparency Yes Yes
Background Tile Mirror No Yes
Background Tile Flip No Yes
Background Color Rotate No Yes
Sprite Transparency Yes Yes
Sprite Tile Mirror Yes Yes
Sprite Tile Flip Yes Yes
Sprite Color Rotate No Yes
Sprite Depth Layers Over or Under Background Over or Under Background
Cartridge Pins 72 44
Cartridge ROM Layout PRG/CHR Unified Storage
Cartridge Standard Size Up to 40 KB Up to 8,192 KB
Cartridge Program Space Up to 32 KB Up to 8,192 KB
Cartridge Graphics Space Up to 8 KB Up to 8,192 KB
Cartridge Save Support Yes Yes
Audio Chip RP2A03 (in CPU) YM-3812 (OPL2)
Audio Channels Mono Mono
Audio Simultaneous Notes 5 9
Audio PCM Support Yes (1-bit) No
Controller Ports 2 2
Controller Buttons 8 12
Expansion Port Yes No
Expansion System CPU Integrated n/a

α Standard expected HDMI output resolution for NerdConsole is Full HD (1920x1080). Other display resolutions are supported and change these values.

β Value shown for NerdConsole is for the standard "High" graphics mode ($03). Several other graphics modes are available that change these values.