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Welcome to the page I use for keeping track of things that I'm working on. As it turns out, finding good and free project management software is harder than I thought it would be. Thus, instead of keeping a spreadsheet somewhere, I decided to make this page.


This section is for keeping track of software related work. Since the PPU is software based in NerdConsole, this is likely to be the largest section of the task list.


Task Type Status Summary
PPU-1 Task To Do Finish test coverage for com.nerdofepic.nerdconsole.data package.
PPU-2 Task To Do Integrate Pi4J for GPIO support.
PPU-3 Task To Do Write GPIO data handler.

Assembly Routines

For 65C02 assembly code routines that you can integrate into your games if you like.

Task Type Status Summary
ASM-1 Task To Do Write a routine for copying 256 byte pages of data.
ASM-2 Task To Do Write a routine for a partial page of data.


This section is for PCB work. Tracking the design and planning of the circuit boards that make up the system.

Main Board

Task Type Status Summary
MB-1 Task To Do Redesign the power circuit to include a fuse for the Raspberry Pi.
MB-2 Task To Do Ensure PPU power traces are 3mm.
MB-3 Task To Do Verify the sub-schematics based on the whole schematic image.

Other Boards

Task Type Status Summary
PCB-1 Task To Do Make sure the Logic Level board has 3mm wide power traces.


This is for 3D Modelling work such as designing the plastic parts that make up the enclosure for NerdConsole and its cartridges.

Enclosure Parts

Task Type Status Summary
ENC-1 Task To Do Design the bottom enclosure.
ENC-2 Task To Do Design the top enclosure.
ENC-3 Task To Do Design the cartridge guide.
ENC-4 Task To Do Design a power switch and reset button panel.

Other Parts

Task Type Status Summary
CAD-1 Task To Do Design the cartridge enclosure.
CAD-2 Task To Do Design shims to hold up logic level board.


Here I track my plans and progress for the NerdConsole book I'm writing. A place to go to get all your specifications in one place and hopefully a source of revenue for the project.

Specification Book

Task Type Status Summary
BOOK-1 Task To Do Finish writing the special command part.


Task Type Status Summary
WIKI-1 Task To Do Add special command pages.


A reference for all useful bits of information.


These are the prefixes for the task codes.

Project Description
PPU Development work for the PPU program that runs on a Raspberry Pi in NerdConsole.
ASM Development work for the assembler program used to make games for NerdConsole.
MB Electrical engineering work on the various NerdConsole Mainboard PCB.
PCB Electrical engineering work on the various supplemental PCBs that are part of NerdConsole.
ENC 3D Modelling work for designing the printable parts for the NerdConsole enclosure.
CAD 3D Modelling work for designing printable parts for NerdConsole.
BOOK Documentation work on the NerdConsole specifications book.
WIKI Documentation work on the NerdConsole wiki.


Type Description
Task Something I need to do to.
Bug Something that was discovered to be working wrong and needs fixing.


Status Description
Planning Indicates that the task is brand new and has not been fleshed out enough yet to be useful.
To Do Indicates that the task has not been started. Typically, new tasks will advance this status once they have been sufficiently planned.
In Progress Indicates that the task is currently being worked on.
Stalled Indicates that the task is stalled. This could mean I'm waiting for parts, motivation, dependent tasks to be wrapped up, or for planning to catch up.
Done Indicates that the task is complete.